April 7, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Delegation: Why Most Entrepreneurs Struggle to Master It

Delegate for Success Delegation stands as a cornerstone of entrepreneurial success, yet it remains an elusive skill for many. Despite its immense potential to lighten the workload and spur growth, entrepreneurs often find themselves hesitant to relinquish control. Let’s delve into why most entrepreneurs stumble when it comes to effective delegation and explore actionable strategies for improvement. Why Delegation is […]
March 28, 2024

How Guest Authorship Makes You a Better Entrepreneur

The premise behind guest authorship is simple. You write an article for an external publisher, get it published, follow up by sharing on social media and engaging with commenters, and then benefit from the increased visibility. It’s a great time to get started as a guest contributor since most online publications are hungry for new voices. Many people use guest authorship […]
March 20, 2024

How to Start a Successful Marketing Agency from Scratch

If you have experience in the marketing world or want to start a business that allows you to think creatively and recommend solutions for a diverse array of clients, launching a marketing agency could be a great option. The global market for digital marketing and advertising alone is estimated to be $322.5 billion and is projected to grow to $640.2 billion […]
July 13, 2022

What Makes Employees Productive in a New Startup?

After launching a new startup, you’ll be interested in growing the business as quickly as possible, thus generating more revenue, securing more stability, and improving your reputation as well. But one of the secrets to effective scaling is an efficient team; if your employees are working productively and consistently, they’ll be capable of making your vision a reality. But if […]
June 7, 2022

What Makes a Startup Resilient?

In the startup world, resilience is vital for success. As an entrepreneur, you’re going to face countless challenges, both internally and externally, that threaten your longevity and profitability. The best, most successful businesses aren’t the ones that are able to prevent or eliminate these challenges, since such a feat is practically impossible; instead, they’re the businesses that can survive through […]
June 6, 2022

What Every Entrepreneur Should Do Before Launching a Startup

Launching a startup is always exciting. This is your opportunity to accumulate wealth, make a name for yourself, innovate in some unique way, and possibly leave behind a legacy. But too many entrepreneurs end up failing because they were inadequately prepared. Before you even consider launching a startup, there are many preparatory steps you’ll need to take. Set the Right […]
February 1, 2022

Why So Many Entrepreneurs Don’t Know Their Digital Marketing ROI

Let’s place a bet. Currently, 55 percent of small business owners are planning on investing more in their digital marketing strategies. It’s unclear what percentage of businesses owners are already investing in digital marketing, since this is a broad concept that’s difficult to precisely define. But let’s assume at least three-quarters of existing businesses are spending money on digital marketing in some […]
June 25, 2021

What Makes a Customer Valuable to Your Business?

Every entrepreneur knows that customers are important. Without customers, you wouldn’t have a business. These are the patrons who buy your products and services, supplying your company with revenue so it can serve other customers; they’re the biggest link in the chain.   Naturally, most entrepreneurs focus heavily on what they can do to become valuable to a customer. They want […]
June 22, 2021

How Much Education Does an Entrepreneur Really Need to Succeed?

Common sense might tell you that the more educated an entrepreneur is, the greater their chances of success will be. Going to college, getting an advanced degree and undergoing multiple training programs should equip them with more knowledge and experience they can use to build their business.   But at the same time, there are plenty of stories of entrepreneurs who […]
May 26, 2021

How to Project Confidence as an Entrepreneur

Skills, knowledge and experience all come into play when you’re defining yourself as an entrepreneur and growing your company. But you also need to think about your image. In your personal brand, in meetings with clients, in pitches to investors and even when talking to your team, you’ll need to learn how to project confidence if you’re going to succeed.   […]
March 24, 2021

Here’s Where First Impressions Can Make or Break Your Brand

You’re likely already familiar with the power of first impressions. Maybe you’ve utilized it as a tool while professionally networking. Or maybe you’ve been the victim of a bad first impression experience.   Whatever the case, the psychological principle is pretty straightforward. The first few minutes a person spends with you — and sometimes, the first few seconds — have the power to […]
March 19, 2021

What Every Entrepreneur Can Gain From Mindfulness

Most entrepreneurs understand the importance of demonstrating confidence, leadership and patience in their role. They know the elements of good decision-making and are seasoned experts when it comes to time management.   But there’s a less frequently discussed tool that entrepreneurs can use to improve their performance in almost every area that counts: mindfulness meditation.   What is mindfulness meditation?   Mindfulness refers […]
March 19, 2021

How to Use Automation (and Avoid the Pitfalls) as an Entrepreneur

All over the world, entrepreneurs are turning to a powerful tool to improve their efficiency and raw output: automation.   Often hailed as the ultimate weapon for increasing productivity, automation certainly has a lot of advantages. But it’s not guaranteed to be effective. In fact, when used incorrectly, automation can end up working against you.   To use automation effectively, you need to […]
March 12, 2021

How to Spot Entrepreneurial Burnout (Before It’s Too Late)

Entrepreneurship is challenging. Some days, it’s downright exhausting. For many entrepreneurs, there comes a “last straw” breaking point where the conditions are too stressful or too overwhelming to continue. But for most others, the eventual loss of passion for entrepreneurship — better known as burnout — is something slower and more gradual. It’s a creeping feeling that grows from day to day and eventually […]
March 4, 2021

Why Entrepreneurship Is the Engine of Economic Development

We often hear that entrepreneurship is important, but it’s hard to overstate just how vital entrepreneurship is for the economy at large. Entrepreneurial activity, or in other words, the creation of new businesses, is what supports local economies, what supports our country’s GDP and what helps the stock market continue to grow. So why is it that entrepreneurship is such a […]
February 19, 2021

How to Form Better Habits as an Entrepreneur

For better or worse, our habits define us and, if significant enough, can shape our future. The habits we practice every day, whether big or small, eventually add up as the sum total of our behavior. They impact our decisions, our actions and even our internal thoughts and feelings. Good habits can make us smarter, more physically fit and better […]
February 11, 2021

How to Host Better Virtual Meetings

If you’re like most professionals, you spent a lot of time in virtual meetings in 2020 and will in 2021 — more than you ever thought possible in, say, 2015. And if you’re like most professionals meeting virtually, you’ve lamented the fact that they could be better. Virtual meetings suffer many of the same drawbacks as traditional meetings, including poor organization, bloated […]
January 19, 2021

Can You Run a Successful Business with No Experience?

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs — the ones running multi billion-dollar corporations — have their experience to thank for their success, at least in part. In fact, most “successful” entrepreneurs have failed at least once in previous business endeavors. It’s not surprising. Spending time as the leader of a business will introduce you to a host of new ideas, skills and […]
January 12, 2021

How to Cultivate Humility as an Entrepreneur (and Why You Should)

There are many traits that define successful entrepreneurs (and successful leaders in general). They’re confident. They’re decisive. They’re calm under pressure. But there’s an underrated quality that may be even more important: humility. Learning to cultivate humility within yourself, and possibly within your team members, can help you lead more efficiently and see the world in a different way. The […]
January 4, 2021

The True Failure Rate of Small Businesses

Have you heard that 90 percent of new businesses fail? Or that 50 percent of new businesses fail? Stick around in the entrepreneurial community long enough and you’ll likely hear a wide spectrum of claims, mostly falling between these two extremes. But what is the true failure rate of small businesses? And should it influence your decisions as an entrepreneur? […]
December 29, 2020

How to Help a Business Thrive During an Economic Recession

Most entrepreneurs at least partially depend on the state of the economy for their businesses to thrive. During times of high consumer confidence, spending is higher, companies are willing to take more risks and most businesses are able to generate more revenue. But during times of hardship, it’s harder to get financing, revenue dries up and the entrepreneurial environment is […]
October 27, 2020

The Problems With Passive Income for Entrepreneurs

“Passive income” is a phrase uttered by most modern entrepreneurs, as they seek to achieve the greatest amount of profit for the least amount of effort. It’s such a popular concept that it’s become a veritable buzzword, losing meaning each time it’s included in the title of an article or the foundation of a business plan. And don’t get me wrong; […]