April 1, 2024

The Best Ways for New Business Owners to Get Free Publicity

As an entrepreneur, you know the value of publicity. Getting your brand mentioned in front of a large audience or increasing the visibility of good reviews can bring new people to your company, raise the loyalty of your existing customers and set the stage for long-term growth. The trouble is, publicity can be expensive. If you’re a new business owner, […]
March 20, 2024

How to Start a Successful Marketing Agency from Scratch

If you have experience in the marketing world or want to start a business that allows you to think creatively and recommend solutions for a diverse array of clients, launching a marketing agency could be a great option. The global market for digital marketing and advertising alone is estimated to be $322.5 billion and is projected to grow to $640.2 billion […]
March 4, 2024

Does Your Hobby Have Business Potential? Here’s How to Tell

Four things to think about before you turn your hobby into a business. If you’re like most people, you have at least one hobby that keeps you busy and helps you stay entertained outside of working hours. You might practice woodworking, paint abstract art, improve your flexibility with yoga or chart the patterns of stars in the night sky. With […]
June 28, 2022

How to Handle Competition With Your New Website

It’s natural to be intrinsically focused when designing, developing, and ultimately launching your own website. You’re thinking about your brand, the content you want to develop, and of course, the products and services you want to sell. You want to look good in front of your prospects and customers – and generate revenue to keep the business going.   So it’s […]
February 4, 2021

Why Your Business Plan’s First Draft Is Terrible

You’ve written a first draft of your business plan, and you’re getting ready to shop it around to investors. But I don’t even need to read it. I already know it’s terrible. You may consider this presumptuous of me. How could I possibly know what’s in your business plan if I haven’t looked at it? The answer is simple. All first […]
January 19, 2021

Can You Run a Successful Business with No Experience?

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs — the ones running multi billion-dollar corporations — have their experience to thank for their success, at least in part. In fact, most “successful” entrepreneurs have failed at least once in previous business endeavors. It’s not surprising. Spending time as the leader of a business will introduce you to a host of new ideas, skills and […]
September 16, 2020

Should You Tap Into Personal Savings to Start a Business?

Building a business takes money. If you’re starting a brick-and-mortar traditional business, it could take tens of thousands of dollars to get things rolling. If you’re dealing with intensive infrastructure needs, you may need even more — in the realm of hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. At the other end of the spectrum, you may be able to start a microbusiness […]