June 10, 2023

Why Ranking Number One in SERPs is SO Important – Here’s How

Search engine results pages (SERPs) are a gateway to visibility, whether you realize it or not. Most of us conduct several searches every day, or even dozens of searches, without consciously thinking about it. We remember we need to buy something, or we want the answer to a curious question, so we type in a query, and bam — we’re […]
June 23, 2022

The Evolution of Search (and What it Means for the Future)

It’s easy to take online search for granted. If you’re looking to buy something online, connect with an old friend, or just figure out who was in that movie you just watched, you’re a short query and a few seconds away from getting what you want thanks to Google and other search engines. It’s been that way for so long […]
May 19, 2022

Getting Your First Rank One Position in Google: Everything You Need to Know

Are you completely new to the world of search engine optimization (SEO)? Or, are you an old pro launching a new campaign? If so, you’re going to be excited about the prospects of ranking first in Google for a given keyword or phrase. It’s an important foundational achievement to set the stage for the rest of your strategic development. And, it has the potential to send significant organic […]
September 16, 2021

What is Google Page Experience, and Why Does it Matter?

Have you heard of Google Page Experience? If you haven’t, and you prioritize search engine optimization (SEO) as a strategy to support your business, you’re behind the times. Google’s Page Experience is described as, “a set of signals that measure how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page beyond its pure information value.” But what exactly does that […]